martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

"keep an open mind and be curious about everything, the beauty of magazines is that there are so many different paths  forward. mine wasnt direct, but it made me a better editor." -Amy Astley

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

intermoda 2010, nuevos talentos, kris goyri y alexia ulibarry

INTERMODA 2010 otoño invierno, backstage agatha ruiz de la prada

portada sudafrica, revista gente bien

makeup by lore ibañez y michelle sanchez

portada maria jose obregon, revista gente bien

makeup michelle sanchez

portada gente bien

makeup michelle sanchez

portada karin ontiveros, revista gente bien

makeup michelle sanchez

THE jumpsuit THE couch

in this picture. Marcela Castro.